
Contacting frontyard

The best way to get in touch is via Slack - the chat software that we use to talk about all things frontyard.

If Slack does not work for you - you can still send us old fashioned email at frontyardprojects[at]gmail[dot]com.

We would love to hear from you, but before emailing have a read below for information about common queries.

Our email account is managed by a number of the frontyard team. We are all volunteers and are not always able to respond immediately. To be honest we are struggling with keeping on top of the inbox.

The quickest way to get a response is through always through our Slack.

Common queries

Doing a residency

We favour application by cup-of-tea. Come down to our monthly Open House, and have a chat. We can often book residencies on the spot with you, and show you round the space. Open House is the last Sunday of each month.

If that’s not possible, hop onto the Slack channel, and start a conversation with us there :)

Read up on what frontyard residencies are all about on our wiki https://wiki.frontyardprojects.org/everything/Category:Residencies

Using frontyard for your event

Fab! We have a great wiki page about space hire and events https://wiki.frontyardprojects.org/everything/Booking_Space_%2B_Time_at_Frontyard

Again, the best way to contact us is either at the Open House, last Sunday of the month, or in our Slack channel.

Collaborating with “frontyard”

:) The frontyard Janitors will discuss you’re idea at the upcoming monthly meeting, and then open it up to everyone at frontyard. We usually assign two interested janitors to help facilitate a response to outside proposals. They’ll handle communication with you.

It’s still a great idea to visit frontyard at the next Open House, or any event to get the vibe.

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